“Blessed are those that are flexible for they will not break.”
– Heidi St John.
We acknowledge that not all members of NHC hold the below values to be true and that is OK. We do not require anyone to agree to these values in order to participate in our field trips or utilize our services. These values are given so that families are aware of the framework for which decisions are made by NHC leadership.
We believe that community is important. That community should be a safe place to learn. That families can both gain something from and give something to, the world around them. That our children have something to contribute.
We believe that diversity is to be treasured. That there is something to be learned from those who aren’t the same as us. We believe that we can value diversity and remain true to our own family’s heritage and beliefs. We believe that we do not all have to agree but that we all need to be polite about disagreeing.
We believe that serving others – whether that is with our time, money, or talents – benefits the receiver, the community, and the giver. We want to encourage our children to look at the world around them and realize that there may be needs of others they can help meet.
Grace, Flexibility, and Humor
We use only the highest-quality materials in our products, ensuring that they look great.